
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

EVERYONE IS WELCOME to attend Mass and participate in parish life.  The sacraments of the Church including the Eucharist (communion), however, are reserved for Catholics in full communion with the Church.  If you are interested in the Catholic Church, we encourage you ro attend Mass, in person, or on-line. When communion happens, come up for a blessing by approaching the priest or Eucharistic minister with your arms crossed.  Recieve the blessings of Christ even if you aren't prepared to receive Him in the form of the Eucharist.

Ask questions when you want to know more.  Contact the Parish Office to set up a time to talk with Fr Adam and to find out more about how RCIA helps you learn about the Church and your life in it.

Joining the Catholic Church is a process that usually starts in the Fall with instruction and finishes at the Easter Vigil on the Saturday evening before Easter.  At the Easter Vigil, the people who have been a part of RCIA and who after learning about the teachings of the Church, are rready to become full members of the Church are initiated and welcomed into full communion with the Church.


Background information on RCIA from the US Council of Catholic Bishops.